Mostly when we look at classified ad sites such as,, and the companies’ job posts usually highlight the hard skills that applicants must-have. There’s nothing wrong with it of course because that’s the way to be specific. However, some companies are too attached to it that they miss the high-value jewel because they are busy looking for a specific stone.
Tip for the job applicants: online classified ads include company profile, this is where you can see the soft skills they are looking for. Check their vision and mission statement or the description of their company culture.
Some companies already are aware of the diamonds in the rough benefits of focusing on soft skills but there are still others that are missing it. That makes recruitment difficult for them, especially if the job post is difficult to source. In the outsourcing business, companies need a pool of people ready to take the roles needed by their clients. When they pitch there sale, the availability of workers is a must but if the Human Resource department is struggling to get one that is where the doomsday starts. A loss of a potential client, or costly venture if they will pursue with the client (as they need to outsource from another vendor), or risk in the reputation (relying on another vendor removes the company’s control in quality) is what will be the next path if it’s not mitigated or resolved immediately.

In the outsourcing business, most of their people must be in-house so that there’s a control over the quality and cost. It gives them confidence that their valuable resources are learning the same curriculum that they provided, aware of the policies and limitations, knowledgeable of the metrics needed, and are all on the same page and same goal.
In the previous company that I was with, their tribes or teams are not really all IT and programmers, some are nurses, physical therapists, chemical engineers, and other college graduate people that are not really or totally not align with their current role. This company hires as much as they can and train them according to their assigned role. They don’t necessarily look at the hard skills of their applicants but to their soft skills. Let’s just say that they are hoarding the valuable asset of every company. This company believes that hard skills may change as technology evolves, as industry requirements change, as market demands shift. They invest in training their people with the demanded technology and focus as well on developing the leadership skills of their people.
I have a friend who shared their struggle with her colleague before that so arrogant and lazy. She said that he was hired because he posses the hard skills that their company believes to help them. But this lad did not help the company, instead, he resigned after receiving the bonus and left them scuffling. The codes he left are good but difficult to maintain. They were frequently late too to their schedule and the company keeps paying the penalty. She can say that hiring that person was really a mistake.
So those are just a few that I can think of why soft skills are the best gauge in hiring an applicant. Soft skills are the driver of a person’s career to help the company grow.
Highlighting and nurturing soft skills on resources/employees assured the company that their invaluable assets are adaptable and flexible to whatever challenges they are facing as a whole.